The Clever Mistress
"A Boccaccio-inspired story of a bored noblewoman plotting to cheat on her elderly husband, The Clever Mistress, in its New York premiere, features Gianni Schicchi-style high jinks and some comically pointed dialogue...."
– The New York Times
"Sirota has called attention to the pleasure of the sharp short takes of Boccaccio's medieval masterpiece."
– Berkshire Fine Arts
(1988) 26’ | View Score
Chamber opera in one act. Libretto by Robert Sirota, based upon a story from The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio.
The Clever Mistress, a comedy, can be billed with Theodore Wiprud's My Last Duchess, a tragedy, for a double bill of one-acts, both set in the Italian Renaissance. The original production is available, as are the works individually.
1 S, 1 T, 2 Bar; chorus (sb), 1-1-1-1; 0-1-1-0; perc, vln, vla, vcl